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Eugene Levich
Август 2013
Опубликовано 2014-08-17 18:00


From the times of antiquity philosophers and scientists have been straining minds on the primeval nature of order and chaos. Modern cosmologists and philosophers still do the same. What had been at the beginning? Had it been primordial chaos, or primordial order, or there had been no beginning at all?From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy we learn that Plato (born between 429 and 423 BC) was " deeply impressed with the order and beauty he observes in the universe and his project in the dialogue is to explain that order and beauty. The universe, he proposes, is the product of rational, purposive, and beneficent agency. It is the handiwork of a divine Craftsman (“Demiurge,” who, imitating an unchanging and eternal model, imposes mathematical order on a preexistent chaos to generate the ordered universe (kosmos). The governing explanatory principle of the account is teleological: the universe as a whole as well as its various parts are so arranged as to produce a vast array of good effects. It strikes Plato strongly that this arrangement is not fortuitous, but the outcome of the deliberate intent of Intellect (nous), anthropomorphically represented by the figure of the Craftsman who plans and constructs a world that is as excellent as its nature permits it to be" (Timaeus, Plato). There had been no time concept prior to some material processes in Universe decreed by God, or Craftsman. In Plato time appears associated with motion of celestial bodies. His student Aristotle saw time in a more general manner as defining change, the very existence of change. In Genesis the concept of time is so controversial that the arguments are still ongoing between the mainstream scientists and theological scientists without consensus. This is because since the year 1905 when Einstein literally overturned the scientific and philosophical thought of millennia with his special relativity theory and we know that there is no such thing as absolute time in Cosmos. We don’t know what time and relative to what had been meant in Genesis. The relative nature of time is not a scientific proof of Genesis correctness, but it shows that the aggressive repudiation of the time duration of Genesis as incompatible with the life time span of scientifically observed Universe is naive.Millennia have passed, but modern cosmologists, physicists and astronomers go on trying to answer the same old question. What had been the primeval state of Cosmos which we inhabit? Craftsman and God are most often excluded from scientific deliberations so that the only way to choose one rational hypothesis over another in scientific terms is to find way to observe and measure some material affirmation. The experience of the last decades show decisively that excellent opportunity to establish some material ground breaking evidence of our Cosmic past is within the reach of astronomical observations. Although it is doubtful that the final, unambiguous conclusions, satisfactory for everyone, will ever be achieved. However the marvelous discoveries have been made and are being madei. The note of caution is based on the fact that the nature of order and its interrelation with chaos is not really understood in fairly mundane phenomena, such as at least in principle are falsifiable and verifiable by earthly observations and measurements, This is in contrast with cosmology where certain conjectures are seemingly, or truly not falsifiable and hence remain speculative, Such although meritorious are more akin to theology and philosophical beliefs than to regular science.In general context the question asked is where at all order in natural phenomena comes from. Is it created by itself? Ex nihilo, or from primeval chaos? Like homunculus in a jar as was believed not so long ago and is still believed by some proponents of self-organization? Or mathematical order had been imposed by Craftsman?Prior to venturing into the origin of Cosmos it is desirable to try to understand the nature of order and chaos for simpler phenomena that are widely spread in observable Cosmos and hence clearly fundamental, but at the same time falsifiable and accessible to experiment.Cosmos is full of well observed, documented order and coherent organization. From the regularity of galaxies distribution within the so-called superclusters in visible Universe all the way down the scales to the shapes of galaxies, to distribution of stars in galaxies, from the solar system, to planetary atmospheres general circulation, ocean currents, e.g., Gulfstream, from tropical hurricanes to tornadoes and the usual clouds in the sky, from the world economy and social order , to biologicalLife and at last the culmination of order in Homo Sapiens endowed with self-consciousness, the unique awareness of being, everywhere we see coherent organization and mind boggling complexity rather than senseless chaos. It is noted that apparently while coming down the scale, the physical size in the above orderly phenomena we do not see downgrading of complexity and orderliness with the diminishing scale. In fact it seems the opposite. For instance biological Life and moreover the self-conscious Life are the pinnacle of order. Man modifies environment in a coherent manner, perhaps not always likeable to many. The self-consciousness, the awareness of being, the comprehension of mathematics and creation of "useless art" is the core of order. These seem to be supreme order and organization, perhaps the ultimate order.


The full text of this article open: Levich-Order-theory-Part-1a  

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