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Conceptual Eros and Passion

Women Select the Ideal (3D Printed) Penis

BY TE EDWARDS in 3dprint.com
Сентябрь 2015
Опубликовано 2015-09-07 00:00

Исследование: женщины выбрали идеальный пенис


Американские ученые из Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе и Университета Нью-Мексико с помощью напечатанных на 3D принтере моделей определили идеальный размер пениса, сообщает 3DPrint.com.


Dr 3D Printed Penis by Neal Preston

В эксперименте приняли участие 75 женщин. Чтобы участницы не отвлекались на форму или "расовую принадлежность" детородного органа, на 3D принтере были напечатаны 33 модели цилиндрической формы разной длинны и диаметра из синего пластика. Представительницы прекрасного пола должны были выбрать по 2 модели, параметры которых должны были соответствовать  идеальному пенису партнера для долговременных отношений и партнеру "на одну ночь".

В результате параметрами идеального пениса "долговременного" избранника большинства женщин стали: длина – 16 см, обхват – 12 см. Идеальными размерами полового органа любовника "на одну ночь" женщины сочли 16,5 см в дину и 13 см в обхвате.

"Женщины предпочитают пенисы разных размеров по разным причинам и в разное время. Поэтому у каждого парня есть отличные шансы стать идеалом для определенной партнерши", – говорит Николь Праус, сексуальный психофизиолог и невролог, принимавшая участие в исследовании.

Соавтор исследования Джеффри Миллер высказал несколько иную точку зрения: "Исходя из сложившихся стереотипов о женских предпочтениях, пенис должен быть длинным и толстым. Однако это не так. Доброта, интеллект, чувство юмора и другие черты характера мужчины играют куда более важную роль".

Men Are from Mars: Women Select the Ideal (3D Printed) Penis

Dr. Nicole Prause – photo by Neal Preston

In a recent study–slightly more scientific than a recent poll to determine what men view as the ideal lady parts–researchers printed out a range of penis models and then called on women to rate which of them were the correct or ideal size. The survey wasn’t limited to a single phallus theory, but instead asked the women what size unit they preferred for both a “long term partner” and for a “one night stand.”

The study was published at PLOS One, and the results should provide comfort to men of average length and girth. It seems the women polled preferred a penis slightly over average length for their significant other, and just a bit larger for their hookup targets.

Confronted with 33 different 3D printed and “erect” penis-representations, the average length and width of the equipment the women chose for their long-term partner was 6.3 inches and a girth of 4.8 inches.

It seems women on the make desired a bit more in the way of size as they chose a length of 6.4 inches and a girth of 5 inches as the idea dimensions for their One Night Stand Man.

The 3D printed penis was presumably a less off-putting way to represent size as opposed to a standard dildo, and all 33 penises which were displayed to the respondents in the study are available – in all their generic horror – on Thingiverse.3d-printed-penis

The researchers at UCLA and the University of New Mexico say they used the 3D printed business to ensure that the selections the women made weren’t simply arbitrary, and they also asked the respondents to take on a pretest which required them to recall the shape of a randomly selected dingus in the moment and following a short delay.

And if you feel the need to know such things, the women polled seemed more focused on recalling the girth of a model rather than the length.

There was no reference made to “the motion of the ocean.”

Led by Dr. Nicole Prause, a sexual psychophysiologist and neuroscientist studying sexual behaviors and sexual desire, the research team printed 100 different models of erect penises but used just 33 of those options. The models were 3D printed from blue plastic material “to minimize racial skin-color cues” and then placed in baskets. A total of 75 women selected from those options to represent their “ideal penis.” Teledildonics_Ruler_preview_featured

“Since context matters, men should be thinking ‘fit’ rather than ‘fat’ with respect to their penis size. In other words, women may prefer different sizes for different reasons at different times, so chances are very good any guy is someone’s ideal for the relationship type they are seeking.” Prause said in an interview with The Daily Beast. “To maximize the chances of receiving the sexual benefits, it makes sense that women might prefer a larger girth penis that brings the clitoral glans closer to the friction point and also will stimulate the crura (‘legs’) of the clitoris internally more.”

And Dr. Geoffrey Miller, one of the co-authors of the study, offered yet more reassuring news for The Average Man.

“Human penises evolved to be unusually long and thick, consistent with our findings about women’s preferences,” he writes. “Yet a man’s intelligence, kindness, sense of humor, and other mental traits are also extremely important to women.”

As men, we all know what women want – a man with a sense of humor. And, it appears, an entirely average-sized tool.

Will you download and print all 33 penis models…Okay, forget we asked. Let us know what you think of this study in the 3D Printed Penis Size Study Forum on 3DPB.com.


Источник:  TE EDWARDS in 3dprint.com

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