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1 New Concepts in Science*

On Speeds in Special Relativity

Edward Kapuscik Professor Emeritus University of Lodz, Poland
Сентябрь 2014
Опубликовано 2014-09-18 13:00




It is shown that the commonly accepted fundamental paradigm of Special Relativity on the maximality of the speed of light is false. Tachyons, the superluminal objects, are allowed by Special Relativity equally well as subluminal particles are. However, for tachyons there do not exist rest frames and the notion of rest mass or rest energy for tachyons cannot be operationally defined. Instead of that the notion of energy in the reference frame where tachyons move with infinite speed is defined. The expressions for energy and momentum of superluminal objects are derived. The momentum vanishes for objects moving with infinite speed. This may explain the weakness of interaction of superluminal objects with other objects. The paper appeals for a change in teaching Special Relativity.



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