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MOTHERBOARD: Parallel Universes Colliding Could Explain Quantum Weirdness

Декабрь 2014
Опубликовано 2014-12-01 02:00

The notion that our universe may be just one in a series of endless parallel universes—some very similar, some wildly different—has captivated the hearts and minds of many science fiction fans. A branching multiverse, objects that exist in two places at once, light that behaves as both particles and waves—these are but a few of the weird facets of reality brought to us by quantum mechanics.

But parallel universes hold a special place in this list. They may, in fact, be the root of all quantum weirdness. In a paper published last week in the journal Physical Review X,quantum physicist Howard Wiseman and colleagues lay the groundwork for their new, “many interacting worlds” theory.

In this novel approach to quantum physics, each individual world is ruled by classical Newtonian mechanics. All that quantum behavior? Actually the result of different worlds smashing into each other.

This approach is in stark contrast to the traditional “many worlds” interpretation of quantum mechanics, which goes something like this: There are a bunch of parallel realities out there, and any time an event is observed in any of them, that universe branches to spawn a whole slew of new realities, one for each possible outcome of the observation. This process of universes birthing universes repeats itself ad infinitum.

Parallel Universes Colliding Could Explain Quantum Weirdness



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