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Fantastic Projects

Full Screen 360 features 360-degree panoramas of iconic destinations around the world.

Ноябрь 2014
Опубликовано 2014-11-07 12:00

A full screen, 360-degree image lets you virtually travel to some of the most beautiful sites in the world, and the ability to look in any direction gives you the feeling of standing at Chichen Itza, Yosemite, or any of the other destinations we feature. The beautifully detailed, full screen images give travelers a perspective unlike any other form of photograph.


Full Screen 360 features 360-degree panoramas of iconic destinations around the world.




Creators:  Fullscreen360 is a website that creates and features panoramic virtual tours of some of the planet's best travel destinations. From standing at the ruins of Machu Picchu to the center of Times Square, these virtual tours are as close to seeing the real thing as you can get. We use virtual reality photography to create our tours, shooting a series of photographs from one position and then stitching them together to create a seamless, 360-degree image that shows the viewer exactly what it would look like if they were standing there themselves. Our work is featured in publications worldwide; most recently our panorama at the crater of Mt St Helens was featured by Smithsonian Magazine, and we're continuing to expand our collection of 360s to cover more of our favorite destinations all over the world.

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