Articles by Yuri Magarshak in the Science chapter on Independent Newspaper
Март 2023
Опубликовано 2023-03-08 11:00 , обновлено 2023-03-15 13:12
Опубликовано 2023-03-08 11:00 , обновлено 2023-03-15 13:12
March 2023
One can only believe in the theory of the multiverse
The universe was created so that a person could watch TV and use the Internet.

Gadgets tangled up on the internet
Regression is an integral part of the progress of digital civilization
The best mouse pad - a collection of integrals
It is necessary to separate the need for printing books on paper and the need to read them.

Multizayner and polyzayner - professions of the future
My house can be turned into my universe, and this should be taught

The future of the Olympics is sports and artistic all-around
A person of the third millennium needs a harmonious development of physical and spiritual abilities

The plague that created the Renaissance. Will the coronavirus pandemic take humanity to the next level?
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