Главное различие между платформами республиканской и демократической партий
Опубликовано 2024-07-23 15:00 , обновлено 2024-07-23 16:04

The main difference between the platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties is this.
Democrats proclaim the principle of DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION.
As the Republicans affirm the priority of EQUALITY OF ALL PEOPLE and, as a result, the positions they hold only on their merits, regardless of race or sex.
Principles that are opposite to each other!
Equity sounds similar to equality but means something completely different. Equity is an equally sympathetic attitude towards all people. Without bias based on their race, sexuality or gender identity. Regardless of their professional suitability for a particular job.
Diversity suggests that diversity of race, sexual orientation, gender, and everything else in any activity provides an advantage in any activity in itself.
Inclusion requires the implementation of racial and sexual diversity everywhere and at all levels.
While equality involves providing equal opportunities to achieve goals in life. But in no case should be given any advantage to any race, sexual orientation or gender. Not with anything!
Racial and sexual diversity of participants does not in itself provide any advantage in the quality of any human activity. Only the qualifications of the participants combined with the equality of opportunities for work and growth presented to them.
Thus, the principles of “diversity-equity-inclusion” and “equality” in everything, including politics, business and any kind of activity, are absolutely incompatible
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