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Researchers are on the trail of a mysterious connection between number theory, algebra and string theory.

By: Erica Klarreich in Quanta Magazine
Апрель 2015
Опубликовано 2015-04-08 17:00

In 1978, the mathematician John McKay noticed what seemed like an odd coincidence. He had been studying the different ways of representing the structure of a mysterious entity called the monster group, a gargantuan algebraic object that, mathematicians believed, captured a new kind of symmetry. Mathematicians weren’t sure that the monster group actually existed, but they knew that if it did exist, it acted in special ways in particular dimensions, the first two of which were 1 and 196,883.


The full story Researchers are on the trail of a mysterious connection between number theory, algebra and string theory  By: Erica Klarreich in Quanta Magazine 

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