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Главная Выпуск 2 Considerations and thoughts*
Considerations and thoughts*


O.L. Figovsky Polymate Ltd.-INRC, Migdal HaEmek, Israel
Август 2014
Опубликовано 2014-08-17 05:00



Innovative engineer is an engineer who has achieved a productive qualification level and developed innovative decision-making in a certain field of science, engineering and technology and its related fields. The need to develop advanced technological systems based on the use of various combinations of many physical, chemical, biological, mathematical and information laws, principles, effects, and models determines the appropriate requirements for engineers’ skill level and creative potential . Formation of these requirements is based on a model of a specialist and socially constructed image of a recognized expert in a particular activity.

Открыть: Figovsky-Teachning-of-innivations-.


Об авторе:  Figovsky Oleg was born in Moscow in 1940 in typical Jewish intelligent family. He started to work at the age of 17 and began to study in the Open Civil Engineering Institute. Before he graduated the institue, he has made his first invention in Materials Engineering. At the age of 20, Figovsky became a scientific leader of a research project. Later on, the basic research of this project was being transferred into a technology to build a novel coating of the airdrome for the first USSR space shuttle "Buran".

The main area of scientific interests of Figovsky Oleg is development of composite materials that are based on polymer, silicate and other matrixes, their advanced technology and increasing their service properties under extreme conditions (such as radiation and strong aggressive media). In this area he has carried out his Ph.D. degree (Moscow, 1971) and D.Sc. degree (Moscow, 1990) in Materials Engineering. He was also elected to the position of scientific professor (Moscow, 1980) in Civil Engineering. In 1981Prof. Figovsky was heading the Nonmetallic Department of Interbranch Scientific & Technical Research Complex "Anticorr", where he has established the first scientific school on nonmetallic materials corrosion behavior. During this period he proposed an advanced theory of producing materials, which increased their protective properties during exposure in aggressive media, and on the base of this theory he has created a novel class of additives for polymer materials.

Working mostly in the field of elaboration of special composite materials, Prof. Figovsky has invented a significant number of composite materials for home application. For example, the well known adhesive named "Bustilat", which is widely used for gluing up different finishing and flooring materials. 27 chemical plants in USSR produced this adhesive. He has also invented many of the new road covering materials, including the first non-bitumen "color asphalt", which was used not only in USSR but in the Western Europe as well. Besides that, Prof. Figovsky has elaborated a few novel composite materials for nuclear and military industry applications.

In the 70th and 80th years, his scientific activities were also combined with teaching. He gave lectures on Materials Engineering in Moscow Civil Engineering University and Moscow Institute of Steels & Alloys. Prof. Figovsky published in this period 7 books, including such handbooks as "Handbook of Glues and Adhesive Mastics for Civil Engineering" and "Anticorrosive Service for Industrial Plant". In 1986, he was invited to assume a position of the deputy of director and Head of fundamental research department to All-Union Corrosion Research Institute (Moscow), where he carried out a lot of investigation on the theory and technology of advanced corrosion resistant composite materials. He was elected as editor-in-chief of the journal "Corrosion Protection and Durability of Equipment & Structures" (Moscow) in 1990 and continued this for another 3 years after emigration to Israel.

During his work in USSR, Prof. Figovsky has published more than 200 scientific publications and more than 450 inventions, but many of them under the conditions of "classified" status. Though about 2/3 of them have never be seen the commercial market, several licenses on his inventions were sold to the Netherlands, Finland, Hungary and Poland. Prof. Figovsky was elected as a first deputy of Chairman of nonmetallic materials & advanced protection methods section of Interbranch Corrosion Protection Council of State Plan Committee, State Science & Technique Committee and Academy of Science (USSR) in 1982.

From 1991 Prof. Figovsky lives in Haifa, Israel, and continues his scientific activity. He established a few start-up research companies, such as Israeli Research Center "Polymate", where he is the Scentific Director. In the 90th years he has elaborated some patented advanced composite materials; on the base of such elaboration 2 new plants have been built. Just for the last 3 years he has published 21 scientific articles in leading journals (in English) and applied for 16 patents to USA, Europe and Israel. Prof. Figovsky combines his scientific activity at the IRC "Polymate" with management activity as scientific advisor of the American investment and technology transfer company "Eurotech, Ltd.". His new resent elaborations are in the novel composite materials based on polybutadiene crosslinked matrix, coatings, adhesives and sealants based on nonisocyanate polyurethanes and reinforced materials based on quaternary ammonium alkali soluble silicates. For the last 10 years he mainly works in the area of Nanotechnologies.

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