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Watch new dramatic videos from NASA’s Perseverance rover landing on Mars

Watch new dramatic videos from NASA’s Perseverance rover landing on Mars
Февраль 2021
Опубликовано 2021-02-22 23:00


NASA on Monday released a trove of video footage showing its Perseverance rover landing on Mars after plunging through the planet’s atmosphere, unveiling the most in-depth views of a Mars landing ever.

Марс (космическая программа) — Википедия


Марс (космическая программа) — Википедия

Феникс" приступил к раскопкам на Марсе :: Общество :: РБК


Аппарат InSight успешно сел на Марс - Korrespondent.net



Watch new dramatic videos from NASA’s Perseverance rover landing on Mars

Incredible footage of NASA’s latest descent to the Red Planet



Mission teams at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California got back 30 gigabytes of data and over 23,000 images of the vehicle descending down to the surface. The videos were among 4,500 images NASA planned to release on Monday.

Perseverance entered Mars’ atmosphere last week bundled with a protective shell and a descent stage called the “Skycrane,” which fired rocket thrusters to slow its descent near the surface. The bundle sported four cameras to capture the landing sequence: one fixed on its protective backshell facing upward, one on the descent stage, and two on each side of the rover. Together, they captured some incredible views of the spacecraft’s descent.

“I can watch these videos for hours, and keep seeing new stuff every time,” Allen Chen, the mission’s entry, landing, and descent lead, said during a press conference.


Imaging company FLIR provided the four cameras, and NASA made little to no modifications to them. “You can purchase the same camera off the internet,” Dave Gruel, lead engineer for Mars 2020’s EDL Camera system said at the press conference.

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