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Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal Represented by editor-in-chief professor Edward Kapuscik

Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal Represented by editor-in-chief professor Edward Kapuscik

Edward Kapuscik (1938) He studied physics at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow from 1956 to 1961. Since 1961 he has worked at the Henryk Niewodniczavski Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow, where he was appointed to a Professorship in 1988. From 1986 to 1989 he served as Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna. In 1991 he was Visiting Professor at Georgia State University in Athens, Georgia. From 1992 to 1998 he was a professor at the Krakow Pedagogical University. His research focuses on foundations of quantum physics, electrodynamics and special and general relativity. He has authored more than 90 original scientific papers. Editor in Chief of Concepts of Physics Journal


The Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal 2006 Volume II Table of contents
University of Lodz Editor-in-chief Edward Kapuscik

The Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal 2006 Volume I Table of contents
University of Lodz Editor-in-Chief Edward Kapuscik

The Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal 2005 Volume III - IV Table of contents
University of Lodz Editor-in-chief Edward Kapuscik

The Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal 2005 Volume I - II Table of contents
University of Lodz Editor-in-Chief Edward Kapuscik

The Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal 2004 volume I, Opening remarks from the editor and table of contents
University of Lodz Editor-in-chief Edward Kapuscik

Dear Professor Magarshak, As the Editor in Chief of the Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal I officially ask you to include all the material of this Journal into your site NewConcepts. I am sure that due to your efforts the scientific community will profit very much and will have the opportunity to further discuss the problems rised by the Authors of my journal. With many greetings Yours Edward Kapuscik Editor-in-chief "The Old and New Concepts of Physics Journal"