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Воспоминания об Эпохах

Фотографии сделанные в сталинских застенках людей, которые после пыток были убиты

Tomasz Kizny and Dominique Roynette, Lausanne
Сентябрь 2015
Опубликовано 2015-09-13 23:00

No one knows for sure how many people were murdered during Stalin’s Great 
Purge, but estimates put the figure at more than 1 million. During the peak period 
of 1937-38, Stalin’s secret police executed more than 1,000 people per day, most 
with a shot to the back of the head. These photos show eight victims in their last 
weeks or days. The original photographs were saved in FSB (Federal Security 
Service) and GARK (The State Archives in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) 
archives. Copies were provided by the international association Memorial in 
Moscow. Nine hundred of them were published on the anniversary, establishing 
the identity of each person, in the album La Grande terreur en URSS 1937-1938 by 
Tomasz Kizny and Dominique Roynette, Lausanne, Éditions Noir sur Blanc, 2013.


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