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Ласковые и простые в уходе собаки для людей старше пятидесяти

Октябрь 2022
Опубликовано 2022-10-23 13:00 , обновлено 2022-10-23 13:51

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Low-Maintenance and Loving Dog Breeds that Seniors Can Handle as Pets

When it comes to pets, dogs are often well-loved. They are not called “man’s best friend” for nothing. Dogs are very loving and loyal companions and can make anyone happier. And did you know that when it comes to seniors, dogs can keep them healthier?

Source: Unsplash

According to research, seniors that own a dog are happier because they have reduced stress levels, which decreases their blood pressure. But what kind of dog breed should you get? Read on to see what dog breeds are ideal for seniors.

Shih Tzu

This tiny dog is ideal for seniors because they are very friendly and easygoing. They do not need a lot of exercise but they do need a lot of attention and care. They particularly love snuggling.

Source: Pixabay

Aside from its warm and loving nature, a Shih Tzu can double as a guard dog. They are fiercely loyal to their masters and will guard them with all they have. Plus this dog breed can adjust to any type of lifestyle so they can live with you no matter how big or small your home is.


This dog breed is a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. If you are a senior that needs regular exercise, this can be a good dog for you because it needs frequent walks. They can easily help you stay healthy by being active.

Source: Pixabay


A Goldendoodle makes a great pet for seniors because of the fact that they are caring, playful, intelligent, and loyal dogs. They have a gentle and friendly nature that makes them a great companion for any senior.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

If you need a dog that can liven up your life and make you more active, you should consider getting a Welsh Corgi Pembroke. These breeds have gained popularity as Queen Elizabeth's favorite dog breed.

Source: Pixabay


A Welsh Corgi Pembroke can live in confined spaces like apartments or condos. They will need regular exercise so they can be very helpful if you need to be more active. This dog is not only smart but the breed is known to be full of personality.


The pug is known to be the perfect dog for a lazy master cause they are quite lazy themselves. They would not mind if you do not have the stamina to move and go out as much as you used to.

Source: Pixabay


Aside from their adaptability, pugs are known to be an intelligent breed. They are also easy to care for because their fur needs little to no upkeep. It is a great dog to have for seniors who have low energy but need companionship.

Boston Terrier

If you are looking for a lazy dog so you do not have to take up much effort or energy taking care of it, you should get a Boston terrier. They are the couch potatoes in the dog world and have a laidback personality.

Source: Pixabay


A Boston terrier is one of the easiest dog breeds for seniors to handle because of its small size and easygoing personality. Their coats are not that delicate so there is no need for frequent grooming.

Lhasa Apso

If you are looking for an adorable dog that won't mind living in a small space with you, the Lhasa Apso will make a great choice. They are an independent, affectionate, and trustworthy breed.

Source: Pixabay


The Lhasa Apso has an average life span of 14 years. If you are not fond of a lengthy grooming process, then this breed is great for you because they do not need much grooming or upkeep.

West Highland Terrier

Terriers are a commonly preferred breed among seniors and the West Highland Terrier is one of the favorites. This is because they have a pleasant disposition and they make great lap dogs.

Source: Pixabay


They are small enough for tiny living spaces and you only need to take them for an hour of exercise every day. Other than that, they do not really need any special treatment or grooming.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed is a favorite lap dog among royalty - even its name has a royal bearing to it. But you do not need to live in a royal palace to own one. They can adjust to any living environment.

Source: Pixabay


A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is easy to carry around too since they usually do not weigh more than 18 pounds. Plus, they are actually low maintenance. All you have to do is give them a bath and brush their hair once a week.

Japanese Spaniel

If you want to get a dog that does not do much barking, the Japanese Spaniel is an excellent choice for you. Seniors love this breed because they are quiet and are smart enough to come back when they are let loose.

Source: PlaysStar


The Japanese Spaniel has low energy so physical activity is not a big deal for this breed. You will not tire yourself out taking care of it. It is also very low maintenance - you can get by just brushing their hair once a week.

Yorkshire Terrier

If you are looking for a tiny and gentle dog, a Yorkshire terrier can be the perfect match for you. As long as you take good care of this breed, it can live up to 13 to 20 years. This means it can stay with a senior for a long time.

Source: Pixabay


A Yorkshire terrier dog is low-maintenance and only needs grooming occasionally. They also do not require a lot of exercise which is great for seniors who no longer have the energy to move around or go for walks.


A beagle is very friendly and they love to entertain their masters. Plus, you get to save money too since it does not need a lot of grooming. This is a low-maintenance dog that can keep seniors busy all day.

Source: Pixabay


Beagles are not only great with seniors, but they are also great with children. Visiting grandchildren will have more fun with a beagle around. These fun-loving dogs are also very intelligent and easy to train.

Cocker spaniel

The cocker spaniel is a dog breed that comes with a lovable disposition. They have the perfect temperament for seniors and they have a gentle and kind nature. They can easily adapt to the lifestyle of a senior.

Source: Pixabay

Cocker spaniels make great family pets because they are friendly, loyal, and smart. They do need daily brushing to keep their fluffy coat in good condition but it is worth it since it is a dog that loves to be pet and snuggled.


If you are a senior who has allergies, a poodle can be an excellent choice for you since it has a hypoallergenic coat. This dog breed is not only tiny and cute but they are also very smart and trustworthy.

Source: Pixabay


Poodles have a caring and gentle disposition. They can easily adjust to areas where seniors live, which are usually confined spaces. This makes poodles a favorite among older dog lovers.


The pomeranian may be a tiny dog but it has a big heart. It is a very affectionate breed that is at ease staying inside the house so you do not have to take it out for walks all the time.

Source: Pixabay


When it comes to grooming, their coat stays in pristine condition so you do not have to take them to the groomer often. They are also smart and clever and are known to pick up tricks quickly.

Scottish Terrier

If you need a dog that keeps you busy but necessarily a dog that needs excessive exercise, then a Scottish terrier may be the perfect pet for you. It needs frequent walks but no need for runs.

Source: Pixabay


Its tiny size makes the Scottish terrier a suitable dog for tiny homes. They are normally quiet and only bark when necessary so you do not have to worry about noise. They are also known to be an affectionate and loyal breed.

French bulldog

The French bulldog is known to be tiny, sweet, and great for small home living. They are an affectionate breed and people can't resist spoiling them because of their charming personalities.

Source: Pixabay

French bulldogs are energetic but they do not need that much exercise. They are very much low maintenance and would prefer that you devote your time to cuddling instead of walking with them.


This breed is not as well-known as others on the list but they are known to make great companions for seniors. They can live for up to 12 years or more if you take good care of them.

Source: PlaysStar

Otterhounds are very loyal, compassionate, and wise. They will need daily exercise so it is a great pet for those who are still aiming to be active and stay in great shape. These dogs are large so you need to make sure you have the space to accommodate them.

Chinese Crested

This breed is recommended for seniors because a Chinese crested is a dog that loves to sit quietly and spend quality time with its owners. This means you do not need to work up a sweat during playtime or take them for walks.

Source: Pixabay


They are also incredibly low maintenance. The little fur they have just needs a brush now and then. But their exposed skin will probably need some care and attention, especially if you bring them outdoors often.

Bichon Frise

The bichon frise is a tiny and fluffy dog breed that is known to be an affectionate, content, and happy dog. They are also very light, weighing between 7 and 12 pounds. If you are looking for something playful, this is the dog to get.

Source: PlaysStar

They would need to be groomed every now and then but it is worth it to maintain their adorable look. They also only need a decent amount of exercise. But they are usually satisfied as long as you are always around.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound may not be a small dog but it can be happy living in confined spaces like small homes and apartments. It is a very elegant dog that is not as high-maintenance as it looks.

Source: Pixabay

An Italian Greyhound is a very friendly dog and they have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. If you are a senior committed to being active, an Italian Greyhound can accompany you on your daily walks since they need at least an hour of exercise daily.


The bulldog may look like it has a tough exterior but it actually has a sweet and loving nature. They enjoy being showered with affection and love to stick by their master's side all the time.

Source: Pixabay


Bulldogs do not want to do a lot of exercise, which is great for seniors who do not move around that much anymore. But since bulldogs are not as active as other dogs, you have to monitor their diet.


The Pekingese is considered to be the ultimate lap dog. Aside from that, they are slow-moving so it is easy to catch up with them when they run loose. They are also well-loved for their caring nature and loyalty.

Source: Pixabay

They love being brushed and groomed while they sit on their laps. And because their coats need to be maintained, they may require daily grooming. They also have the tendency to be stubborn.


This is a small and powerful dog that is known to be fiercely loyal and devoted to its master. They love being carried around and sitting in their master's laps. They don't take up much space because they are one of the smallest dog breeds in the world.

Source: Pixabay

The chihuahua has a coat that does not need that much grooming too. They are also not physically demanding since they only need short walks. Plus you do not have to be strong to walk them because they are very lightweight and walk in tiny steps.


The shar-pei is a good breed for seniors who do not like lap dogs or tiny dogs. This medium-sized dog is easy to train and makes great watchdogs because they do not like strangers.

Source: Pixabay

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