Опубликовано 2014-08-04 02:00
More than 50 years ago, Linus Pauling suggested his classic idea of introducing another index, namely electonegativity of atoms, to the periodic table. Recently, Allen introdced a third index into the periodic table, configuration energy (CE) and demonstrated its usefulness. As Maddox puts it, the question of whether "СE resolves enough of the inconsistencies in the periodic table to win the hearts and minds of men with and interest in these matters" still remains to be answered. We propose a genuienly three-dimensional periodic table, base on quantum mechanics and Hund's rules.
Открыть: 3D-Periodic-in-Nature-1992
In the contribution of Yu.Magarshak and J.Malinsky NATURE vol.360 pp. 114-115 (1992) the 3 dimensional periodic table was depicted in black and white. The colored picture which represents the same structure is given below.
Открыть: 3D-piramid-Nature-1992-construction
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